Monday, May 29, 2006

woo !! my weekends were great !! haha.. took a 2 days off from my work, and surprising my boss actually said yes ! haha.. cos she noe i going NS le, so she scare i dun have enough time for my Nlisting.. haha.. cos she planned me to work till june 8th, which was a day b4 my nlisting.. haha.. big thanks to her..

hmm.. so where i go for my weekends.. fri i working for complete at WS, e sales was kinda poor. pretty sad. than sat went to sentosa wit asrians wit a big secret behind it.. haha.. hmm was kinda late when reaching sentosa... no sun le !! duh.. so was playin on e water, watchin at cais.. drooling lOL!! than went to play a friendly match of volleyball wit grp of "ah-bengs-wanabe" haha.. but they were friendly la. =D we lost 21-18.. LOL~ they aint tt gd , and we gt one injury ! haha.. but we still lose it.. but nvm.. at least gt to play volleyball !! damn !! damn long nv touch e ball.. damn rusty sia.. openin ball, push ball all forget how to do liao.. siben sucks.. LOL~ ard evening we set off to town wit a MERC cab ~ wee.... 7 seaters de.. $35 to from pt A to pt B nomatter how far it is, its still $35.. but droping a person or pick up ppl need addtion $10. we gt his name card oso.. same name as roy's dad =D than went to LIDO for movie, hmm was damn pack.. finally gt a tix for XMEN3, 1115pm de.. so we took our own sweet time to makan at aijisen, far east.. and chill at starbucks.. e surprises began ! haha.. bought a small cheesecake for jj and i dunno go where borrow a candle, LOL~ damn paisei.. celeb his bd !! hee.. he said he was touched. =D well, mission completed ! =) XMEN3 is cool, thumb up !! haha.. go watch dude. went home after tt..

sunday, tio pang sen by a buyer whu wana sell me tee. damn. suan le, save my $ oso since he not intention to sell. went to han hse, pick up car and went to bugis wit chin.. mel already there le.. damn early reach.. hmm.. walk ard shopping.. i bought a tee, damn cheap. and a necklace.. but i wana change e "lian" of e necklace.. hope can find nice one.. haha.. than makan at market place at OG albert.. damn cheap and nice foods !! haha.. missed e food there ever since i no more workin for KK~ went to e ICON opp. bugis.. i wana faint there sia.. i saw BAPE stuff there.. in bags.. than i ask e staff inside.. this is e below conversation :
me: hi, may i noe how much is e bape tee ? *pointin at one of e tee*
staff: its $35 each..
me: u onli have this few designs ?
staff: ya, we sold alot le.. its ver hot now.. sum of e designs even broken stocks..
me: issit, but y i see it look like fake to me..
staff: no la, we have sum exclusive design tt outside dun have..
me: HAHA, yah, i can see.. e "exclusive" design do until so fake. nowonder so mani ppl buy..
staff: *speechless*
me: u ever seen e webby of bape b4 ?
staff: huh, they gt web de ar? so power meh ?
me: -.-" nvm, thanks.

OMG ~ i wana faint.. he dun even noe wat is bape, and he is sellin tt !! -.-" still wana bluff say gt exclusive design.. i noe he is workin for a living but.. at least must do sum research ma.. duh..

for roy - rem e blink blink bape tee we saw at far east entrance ? there gt sell oso.. fake one i guess.. so i think most probably tt guy oso wear fake de ba.. =D

anyway set off to han's gf hse, to put her down first.. than go to yishun for sum serious toks. LOL~ ended it quite smoothly.. and even end quite early.. so play MJ again at kai hse.. im e onli winner ~ WEE ~ haa.. everytime go kai hse, everytime win $ sia.. KEKE ~ tt time win over $60+++ ( excluding a supper treat from me ) haha.. hmm went home ard 5am.. xpected, was late today (mon) !!

k ba, ver tired le.. going to koon le !! i recently ver tired.. keep sleping on bus.. which i seldom do tt. nite.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

abt time for my work at Raffle City.. woot ~ its kinda boring there but time passes ver fast.. altot e pays is lower and e working hrs is longer and i HAVE TO DO ALOT OF SHIT there. But overall still ok la.. time really pass ver fast each day.. nearer and nearer to my nlisting. HAHA ~

over e weekend wun be workin i guess.. have sum plans wit my asrians. and thur will be celebing mel bd.. woot. luckily im still able to attend his bd.. haha.. arbo i go enlisting liao, cfm lesser chances man !! hmm.. on e last week of my civilians i will be still workin.. LOL !! workin for a road show at Tamp, CS. will be there for 1 week ba.. until june 8, juz 1 day b4 my enlisting.. HEE !! abit siao rite.. but bo bian.. i gt alot plans waiting for me.. and NS will tie mi down.. i need to work to ensure tt my followings months wun eat shit, MUHAHA. at least have to wait until BMT than can work sia.. SIANZ ~ tt was 4months later !! DAMN !!

well, im contented wit my life now, hee. as long as dun let me poor can le !! HAHA !! but i dun tink i will poor oso.. knn, i work for so mani day.. i still gt saving lo.. think i dai bei ? spend every $ on clothing or makan ? HEEEEEEEEEEEE!! k la, gotta end.. see at nite gt online anot than update ba.. recently seldom online lo... dun feel like chattin. -.-" dunno y either.



Wednesday, May 17, 2006

suddenly feel tt everytime is not right surrounding me.. duno y have this insecure feeling.. wana buy a present for a frenz, make e effort of sending sms to peeps asking wana share anot.. juz need to reply "wan" or "dunwan" end up one of e peep ask so mani question and immediatly turn mi off. so i asked him to buy himself if he have so mani doubts on me. and one of e peep actually dun intend to share. gosh. 2 peeps is out.. which mean e present $ will go up for each one to cover.. anyway still pending wana buy tt anot.

than for work.. my manager like dun wana me work like tt.. everytime ask mi work lj place. and i noe tt work place can be planned b4 2weeks but y i everytime kana last min.. and whenever i asked her for work, she will juz said " ya i will take note..", " will cfm wit u again when i cfm-ed e place ", "will get back to u again" .. -.-" siben sianz lo like tt.. than this fri need to go company for duno wat trainning.. and paid scheme will be changed.. -.-" but e ppl said base will be higher.. but i dun tink e commission and bonus will be same liao.. mayb will reduce.. or mayb e target will be higher to hit e bonus. aiya dunno la.. juz see hw going on on fri.

yesterday was sooooo sick. spend $40 for my medicine. tts was alot. and e doc give mi e supply of medicine seem like alot ? more than enough lo.. tts y e bill will be so EXP. 38degree , bad flu, sorethroat.. song la !!

than as for her, i dun expect much la.. thing dun turn out smoothly oso.. HAHA.

i juz dun understand y suddenly thing pop out to be sooooooo unsmoothly to me... WHY ?!


Saturday, May 13, 2006

was so tired today lo !! dunno y oso.. hmm workin at thomson plaza in e weekend.. altot i noe e place sales was damn sucks, but i still accept it. at least i still can take e base rite ? hmm.. rotted at home 2 days and i going mad. so thur went to dz hse for MJ.. meet 11am.. i 1pm than woke up.. see my hp " 60++ missed call " -.-" LOL!! faster rush to Dz hse at tamp.. shouldnt go his hse lo.. i lose until like shit. still have to borrow chip from greg summore !! first time lo.. siben jialat.. than dinner greg treat me.. LOL~ I LUVVE U GREG =) next time i treat u okie ? provided i win ! HEE.. hmm.. after tt went to take bus headin Yishun.

meet han and co. for some heart to heart chatting.. from 11pm until 5am. -.-" nxt day i still gt workin lo.. damn tired.. =( but not bad la.. at least i heard thing from e peeps. noe wat going on wit them.. and ofcos sum advices from everyone oso..

fri, was damn tired lo !! summore i din late. soo surprised. Haha.. but sales ZERO LO !! utnil 5pm still zero. siben jialat.. called sumone to chat.. nv expects to chat until 51mins58sec. LOL!! why i noe until so detail ? cos i got see e time okie. hmm.. but this time.. i really think tt by nature ba... cos.. i dunno y i guess she oso abit scare tio liao.. suddenly i called her and chatted for almost 1hr. will toopid until like tt meh ? ofcos must be slight interested wit tt person than will do such things ma.. aiya dunno la.. see how ba..

i now watchin a show from channel 8.. its a love + comedy show.. hmm.. suddenly i realised tt i ver long nv attached le.. i seem to be forget of wat should i do and wat could i do for a ger.. i been used to my single so much. even times tt i dun even mind to travel alone despite e distance. haiz.. i guess i will be hard to get into r/s ba.. my mind set.. still not ready i tink.. when i type this shit, my eyes wet sia. LOL!! dumbo la.


Monday, May 08, 2006

Kinda late now le.. hmm, juz back from a chill session wit my pri sch buddy, han. we having sum heart to heart chattin session.. mostly abt future.. and he oso think tt my side in future will be heavier compare to them, as i still have 2 young sister.. which actually i need to "yang" them oso.. anyway now think oso no use.. juz hope tt nth much probs will cum out from them in their teenages session. LOL~

well, its was cool to hear of his bussiness plan. and i share my views ard.. hmm overall its a cool concept but pretty sad tt we dun have e base to start it.. hmm.. at least need 20K from everyone ba.. but i hope this plan will be up. =)

hmm, my weekend was kinda busy. went ard to collect my price list for my lens.. and i realised tt my price actually wasnt tt attractive.. im pretty sad la.. but i will work hard to find a better price for my customer/users. for those close to mi like family members and close frenz etc, im really sorri i cant gib a gd price for e lens.. which i really wish to gib.. but.. haiz.. i still have 1 partner. i need to ans to him oso... anyway.. see how la.. be positive!! HAHA.

hmm, went to watch M.I.3, damn cool movie. =) 4/5stars. haha.. and im pretty sorri tt i missed wewe 21st bd chalet on sat. SORRI WEWE !! i will pass u ur present soon okie ?! HEE !!

hmm.. went to play MJ wit han, chin at mel's hse. play 1 po onli.. but win !! hee.. imagine win 5 tai + zi mo. $6.40 from everyone. and 4 tai zi mo oso.. HAHA ~ not bad la.. =D HAPPY!! hmm.. than after tt sent xy home and reach irene hse.. she requested to go walk walk or chill.. end up me and e couple walking at e park nearby woodland.. LOL!! and we actually have sum talks la.. hmm.. okok la.. i juz feel tt nightlife in woodland is bored. =X

OHYA !! i went to superband on sun wit han's and peep. was supporting "LUCIFY" hope no typo. LOL !! hmm they was really cool !! and luckily they went to next rd liao !! YEAH ~~ after tt went to grapevine at serangoon there.. so disappointed lo.. was thinking tt i can see those babes waitress.. LOL~~ who i told han tt there gt quite a few.. but i SEEN NONE ON SUN !! duh.. even xiangyi oso surprised. (she is my frenz's sister. quite chio and attached !! SODUNTHINKTOOMUCH) =X hmm.. we chatted there from 11-2am.. than i walk home from serangoon.. was thinkin of chatting wit her.. but.. she on fone sia.. LOL~ suay. but to my surprised.. she tot tt im troubled or wat and ask if im alright. IM OKIE LA !! duh.. =)



Friday, May 05, 2006

finally my HM road show ended. woo, was damn bad sales. i can totally imagine e face of my boss face when i report e sales figure everyday. hmm.. workin there was kinda bored.. more or less is e sales la.. another is yah, mayb tt matter ba.

i think i wun be contact her often le ba.. haha.. juz hope we will still be back as last time. As i going to Ns le, i dunwan at this moments still lose frenz. tts pretty sad lo. hmm.. see how la.. ohya, im currently doing sum small bussiness on my contact lens orders.. hmm.. hope it will be success.. and earn sum extra for durin my Ns..

actually i dunno y wana update oso.. im juz.. haha.. i dunno either.. mayb this entry is to remind mi next time abt wat have happen in e past ba.. LOL~ actually wana meet b4 i go in Ns, but i guess juz like tt ba.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ( im not laughin, juz expressin. )

ohya, yesterday went to sembawang again for MJ wit bee, kev and his gf. hmm played 1 po, and i lose $1 -.-" than e time was ard 5am. so went supper wit bee and home sweet home.. kinda dispointed la.. play 1 po nia.. all e way from houg to sembar leh.. =( haha.. but still gt chance la. scare simi !! =D~

later meeting up wit asrian at yuan yang at 9. hope it turn out great chillin session.
SHIT, i almost forget tt i have hair appointment today !! 630pm ! hmm.. go prepare liao.. bb.
