Sunday, March 05, 2006

i damn slepy now. din slep at all since yesterday. Yesterday was a GOD-DAMN-NO-MOOD day.

why ?

noon was still okie, im still outside wit my asrians at town, saw alot of nice clothes and was damn tempt. but i controlled. and i seen e jacket again, really no more L. damn. disappointment filled. and go back kovan for our dinner and than I MAKE A WRONG DECISION, i go meet zx & co.

tai, zx, shun, willis, hz, ah lian, gl. woot. was a disaeter for me tt nite. its took mi 6hrs, to see thru wat is frenz. HAHA!! im blind always, always.. i should skip those boring session of pool/billard and supper. went to punggol park and take a seat for resting. saw a bench and sit on it, than wz cum over and sit wit mi. i was okie abt it. as im damn tired so i juz wana rest. i din really tok to her or start convasation wit her, she is e one keep asking mi question and my job was juz reply. i sensed sumthing not wrong. a few pairs of eyes was looking at mi like machiam im extra there, and sad to say ppl started to say gossip. saying i buay zi tong y dunwan gib sit to zx, so tt he can tok wit wz. and saying i hong or watever shit.

IF wana say mi HONG, pls show mi evidents b4 u say any rubbish. knn dun tok as if u noe mi ver long. u wana check my sms ? or outgoing calls ? see u can find how mani gers name. cb.

worst part. tt wz was abt going home. she asked mi wana go home anot, i was totally stunned. why she ask mi ? knn i dun even noe her well, so mani guys she onli wana ask mi. wtf? ofcos i rejected. and in d end? sumone tell mi luckily i nv say yes to go wit her, or else i will be beaten up. i was like WTF? wat tt gt to do wit mi ? i all e while was e quiet party. and in d end i kana accused. oei, tok less doesnt mean u can put words in my mouth okie.

after tt, send hz home. zx, w send shun home. in d end while sending hz, i saw them behind e blocks following us. more ke yan is, they wana us to leave and wana tok personally wit hz. im fine wit it. altot i admit tt i do have sum feelings on her, doesnt mean tt i wana xian her. more or less she said there alot prevets. so i requested e 3 to cum down first than we leave. in d end i was accused too fake ? too gentleman ?.. haha.. i really have nothing to say. e whole nite i was like all e while in wrongs. and they r all e while CORRECT. woot. damn cool.

on d way home, i was thinking.. i dun feel belongings in e grp. onli kl and tai r much closer to me, others i have no comments. i was thinking, all e while i accept their bad pts as i still treat them as frenz cos in my views, gd frenz r e one whu will accept ur bad pts. i do e same way but was treat granted. HAHA~ they nv recall back whu helps they when they need helps. in e middle of test i help them call frenz for helps on sumthing else but in d end i get back wat ? SHIT ? haha.. mayb a maid will be living better than mi. at least she get paid and im not. LOL !

i dun tink tt i have any wrongs wit it lo.


i have made e worst decision.



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