Sunday, July 20, 2008

listen to Jason marz - I'm yours.

recently fav song, love the tempo and rthym alot. :)

alrite ma, i seldom update so soon after one and other. ha, but i juz have to feel to blog. ha.

okie.. where shld i start.. hmm.. OH!

i noe le, i shld starts on the meal i had on thur, ya.. was clearing my off on that day, was slacking initial, but dunwan waste my off like tt, so went out to shopp, window shopping thou, but i love the feeling of wearing shorts, with my big pouch/bag (watever u like to name), listen to my lovely ipod, the feelings juz so GOOD. hmm, after tat dinner time, im damn hungry, rang up ta ti du where she is, she say hereen, suprising i drop at somerset. ha, i juz tink tt she might be at nearby. than went up hereen, i was using my intinct to find her, and I FOUND HER, okie, not becos she is big size or wat. opss =X she is not la, silm and cute =) (RITE SISTER?) hmm, so met new frenz, clremance? i forget the spelling, tall ger. so after the self-intro, we went to cine to wait for another frenz of them, gosh, 3 gers one guy? im like damn shy la, pls !!

alrite she came, benita, funny and pretty ger, small size with tanned skin, tok non-stop. but she look lady. HA, abit 38 ba.. and thats y i commented to them, "gers are soooo scary" haha, so we waited bus no. 7 or 77 or ?? i forget. HA, stop at holland V, settle at this resturant, quite cool la, actually i saw before the similar the layout at one of my frenz blog. cant rem is whose. anyway, the place was kind of cosy. anyway i think we clicked well, laugther non-stop. duh. the dinner was good, except for the "punishment" that ta-di-tu ordered. holy~

went behind holland V for drinking, as benita requested so we settled at wala wala. ordered a jug and their "wonders" chicken wing which tasted like no other chicken wing, i tot how holy it will be. disappointed. tag along with benita for home sweet home.

well, sat went to timbre, know alot new frenz, jj and roy tag along with me, its the first time i ask them along when im with another grp of frenz, i think the exprience is good ba, more to come !! =D the songs at timbre is damn solid la, and seems like "i'm yours" are one the hot hits, haha, cos i sunday went there as well.. the other band oso sang tt. hurhur, but in different tunes, so was quite cool =D

ohya, sun went to meet han & co. after work, they keep complaining nv seen me for a month. haha. am i tt busy ? i think im juz tired to meet anyone. duh, HAHAHA after dinner we decided to go timbre! ya again.

alright man, han offer to drive me to work every morning, thats was cool. but provided im able to wake up. hahahha lets see how tml. gona slep after blog.

fruitful week. =)

Friday, July 18, 2008

okie, superb dockey time for not updating this blogg. ha, feel damn bad.

okie, i shall update the fullest to it ! =) since im so bored now, and unable to slep, mayb juz jog finish, damn jin sheng. ha

well, works getting to be more and more smooth, bascially wat i needs is time to let me adapt. at least personally i have set deadline for those submission of data to my boss every weeks. Handling promoter are not as easy as wat i think. Some of them age was double of mine, yet im their superior, im not trying to say tt im tat good enough to be their superior, but however i have to give those kind of boss feeling to them. duh. but inbetween learn thing from my boss oso, cos he taught me not to be too nice to the promoters, as they started to climb up my head, maybe reaching my nose liao, HAHA! so sometime i had to have my stand.

for my charater, will be abit difficult, cos i quite easy going, as long as its reasonable, why not? but i have to change this mindset of mine. duh, my cousin was telling me that, when in work, they are onli your working partners, not your frenz, but for my mindset is to make frenz, which turn out to be ver difficult for my life. and its really truth, i headin a miseable life in the past when i started to work. duh, and working in weekend, suddenly feel tt i need the weekend man~ for my family, for my frenz. but i think time management needs to apply to make balance, mayb not to the extend of balance but make this fair ba.. haha~ trying !!

everyone was cool! haha, celeb my sister bd, which was quite long ago, 15th june, LOL~ superb long. HAHA, okie la, my mum was telling sumthing funny. convasation below,

scenario was my mum end work late abt 11pm still have reach home, cos i called her..
me: ma, where u ?
mum: on the bus lo, coming back soon.
me: oh, i tot why u have reach home.
mum: not bad huh, still will worry of your lao ma zi.
me: huh, hahaha i was actually wana ask your buy supper (i dunno why i lie, cos i shocked why my mum so clever)
mum: ha, okie la, i reaching home soon.

lame lo, my mum getting cleever, damn, HAHA!

laterly i missed my fav pasttime, MJ !! ARGH !! i abt 2 weeks nv play le.. damn sianz lo.. but really very busy, dun even feel like playing after works, juz feel like sleeeping, haha! ohya, shit this topic is abt frenz, LOL! okie, i do met up with frenz, but i neglect some as well, dun mention their name, later they throw eggs, BUSY LA !! SORRY !! WILL CALL U GUYS SOON OKIE !! =D

and they funny, like to call me out on odd hours when im working. DUH!


okie blank still, always finding around.. i feel that im getting abit impatient on this, i guess i got to make myself cool again. DUH ! i think im ready somehow, cos i gt more free time, but i always screw up it. damn. i dunno wat im doing oso, i juz SCREW UP.

hur, i dunno wana type wat le... HAHAHA so i guess can stop le. hahaha time to slep~~~~