Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Yr !! okie, i shldnt be so high, cos i aint enjoying my CNY, seems like the moods wasnt there. okie its weird, but somehow.. lack of sumthing. Mayb a gf will be nice? HAHAHA !! JOKIN LA =) i cant even yang myself liao, add one more mouth, i gona take up another partime jobs. HA.

Chu xi, staying at home ate my dinner wit my dinner.. my dad insist to eat at home.. my mum and me wana go out eat, results is my dad WON. DUH. okie, after dinner went out to met han and down for ktv. Pick up irene at west area and head back to town. haha.. at first din really have e mood to sing at all.. was quite down my moods. ha~ anyway met 2 new frenz during the ktv. Went down to newton for supper and met a guai su su. he claimed himself tt he is a retired LTC, and work before intepol, and yet now SELLING TISSUE in public ? for his retirement $, he can easily own a shop and sell TISSUE, why he need to be in "mobile" way using his own legs and walk around. -.-" HAHA i dun understand la, really dont. mayb he earn much, spend much oso. whu noe he might have been cheated by gers for $ and left to be in this state. =X anyway i will definitly keep sum money for myself, at least open a shop tt sell TISSUE la =X HAHA.. dead on my bed at 6am. Zzzzz

chu 1, was damn tired. went to one place nia.. and slept at ah hua room. damn cozy =D woke up by my mum as she said outside alot ppl came, go take ang bao. -.-" i was thinking, aiya if they dunwan gib than nvm lo. anyway i still woke up juz to gib me mum face. haha. ah hua's gf was damn woooo. haha. its not her appearance, altot ya she quite pretty oso. =X , its actually she can communicate well ard e family turn me on. well, my gf MUST have this pt, i dunwan end up my family have to tolerate my gf and have some dispute. LOL~ went to meet up wit guoliang for dinner since he is alone. tok to him awhile afterall we haven seen each other for months, Woo. and heard from him Zx is out. anyway had a short chating wit zx on e msn juz now. think he will make a gd start =) stay till ard 9pm and home sweet home.. met up wit han & co. again downstair, ended up come up my place. haha.. Irene and Chin seems like fond of my hse. cozy and FEEL LIKE SLEEPING ?! duh, i do have sum un-sleepable-nite-thru-out the days. hahaha.. anyway i really wana make a big makeover of my room when i have $, damn sick of the displays and stuff. wana make sumthing than suit me and i can fully use the equipments. haiz. k ba, gona slep now.. tml long day again.. hope it wun be another borings-yet-tiring day. NITE PEEPS.



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