Friday, February 09, 2007

181 posts !! haha. i din realised tt i had written 180 post of enties in my blog. kinda weird, being posted 180 posts up nets.. haha.. nvm, juz suddenly find it weird. anyway losta of things had happen recently ~ COOL.

well, kinda have some savings for myself already.. really happy to see my bank popping wit $$$ WEE ~ feels soooo GD ! but thats not enough.. i gt losta thing to do wit $ !! WORK HARD. =D hmmm, might change workin back to KK, not tt restaurant not gd, but hours was really more and more lesses, summore gt tt noriko, tt biatch. she scold me DUMB FUCK on e fone and hang up, i was damn pissed off wit her. knn. machiam my faults everything blame on me and she fucking holy shit wit no mistake, except for her "FAKE" boobs and transexual. gosh, i sound mean, but compare to her, im juz junior, trust me. its difficult to make ppl dulan, and its is more difficult to make e whole resturant ppl to dulan her. HAHA i wonder is she happily working there ? or juz for e sake of $, and work. i really wonder sumtimes.

wed was scary day !! reported sick in e morning, everyone in e office tot i chao gen, but when they heard tt MO is sending me to hosp, all stunned. HA..! seriously i dunno its so serious oso. im SCARED ! = had a jab by e MO, than went to A&E at NUH, waiting for bloodly 3hrs i guess, than i enter e room and was took to have another jab -.-" FAINT !! rest at e sofa for 45mins, until e doc came to told me tt they gona keep me warded and see how its goes. gosh i was freaking scare. AND THEY DUN ALLOW ME WALK, onli wit wheelchair, EEEKKKS !! everyone was looking at me, must be thinking "hell, this boy look so healthy yet he is in wheelchair, he must be in serious illness. " -.-" I BET THEIR EYES KEEN LOOKING AT ME, gosh e feeling aint gd, so i swear tt myself, i wun look at ppl whu use wheelchair in tt way. e female doc look quite pretty, HA , but she check me like tranparant like tt -.-" see my dick check my ass see gt infection anot, im damn BLUSHED =( but wat to do, she doc. i suck thumbs. e feeling aint gd either. damn. anyway her skills in putting needle on my hand was GODLIKE, i dun feel any pain. and e needle was like freaking FIVE CM ?! or mayb more than tt !! knn.. SCARED ! haha.. went down to X-ray for my stomach with e wheelchair wit ppl pushing me, suddenly i was on a long alley.. and i can really imagine e feeling of pushing on e long alley was soooooooo errie.. and its seems like never endings... AW =X anyway watched tv and keep gt doctors checkin on me, end up i have to walk, lie down on my bed for checkin.. well, i had abt 3 trips, juz imagine how mani doc came. -.-" slept at 11pm.. kinda early.. and its freakin cold.. i cant get to slep.. e next day was slep & SLEP, yes. haha.. and DISCHARGE !! wEE ~ have 5days MC actually, but i requests for extends.. and to 9days !! WOO ~ I LOVE U DOC =)

went supper juz now wit jl and koh, jl driving.. hmm alot stuns he made, but overall not bad ba.. i guess its bcos auto car.. if manual, mayb he wun speed so much. haha.. anyway its a nice trips, went to changi village for nasi lemark. and saw deli ! haha.. he cum see ah gua.. siben eng he, yesterday cum, today oso cum.. siao tio ah gua i guess.. HAHA =X anyway tml is SHOPPING DAY !! WOO !! FINALLY !! =D I LOVE IT BABY. GONA SHOP ALL i CAN !



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