Thursday, April 06, 2006

hmm, went out once today. went to visit my grandpa and burn insecene(typo) for him at my ah ma hse.. have a short convasation wit my ah ma and sent her to downstairs, bid gd bye to her. and now on e way to my 3th anut hse whu live kinda near my grandma's hse. Passing them back e cam since i no more be using it. have a short chat wit them oso, my cousin having her 21th bd on this sat.. gona rush down to her chalet at aloha after work. gosh!!

hmm on e way to my grandma hse and on e way back. ur face appear. why u appear in my friendster list ? its sooo rare tt u appear in my friendstser list.. and yet at this moment u appeared. make mi more cfm of my worries. anyway u have my best wishes ba. haha, i sound saint.

anyway i dunno y u appeared on my mind oso. there and here, seem like i saw u, but its other. its seem like illusion but look so real. am i really so deep in u ? fact tt i din even meet u out often or rang u up or watever shit. haha, until now than i noe... than i noe.. i missed u sooo muchhh.. and its was a unknown until today. well, buck up myself is e onli thing i can do now.

My Ns letter arrived. 46 SAR.. wun be going tekong. duh. but CCK. its freaking far okie. anyway its under amour for those ppl whu dunno 46 SAR is wat. =)


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