Friday, October 28, 2005

Grand haytt.

waitress name rachel.

woot. she sooo attracted to mi. haha.. went makan wit my cousin at town ard, happen to pass by e hotel & my cousin jio mi go in makan. in d end, saw this ger.. yah i admit tt she damn chio la. but tt my taste la, u guys might find her normal. but she look abit like xu weilun from taiwan. =X abit thin but her face.. omg..

but i din get her num. scare she reject. and i tink she is too gd for mi. haha.. anyway juz a gd encounter today tt brighten up my day.. HEE ~ tml onwards will be workin all e way.. damn sianz.. haiz !!

heard from kevin tt YDK's dad heart attack this few days.. so e KL trip was cancelled due to same reasons. anyway hope YDK's dad will get better.. jia you k dz ! =) will visit his dad if i can squeeze e time out.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

listening to luo zi xiang - li liang now.. hmm quite nice his this album.. =)

anyway i did sumthing tt i nv do at e past 21yr of mine.. lol.. i bought a book to read.. =X "My sister's keeper" by Jodi Picoult. to noe e story of it pls scroll down, i have explained e contents in one of e posts.. haha.. sorri im kiddin lazy to repeating again & again.. from monday start i had been kept spending non-stop.. hurhur.. pocket one hole le la..

monday- bought my book at parkway, ate lunch & dinner, watch movie " europen gigolo"

tue- went YDK hse for mj, lose $13. play 10 cent 20 cents onli lo. -.-" no luck. went supper at bedok 85. eating feast.

wed- went out wit my cousin to a jap restaurent. spend $30 per head. bought a jacket from fourskin. -.-" and saw alot temptation while shopping ard taka. LOL!!

woo.. tt go my $ ~ so this few day i wun be spending much ba.. restrict !! hmm.. been playing dota every nite.. damn tired. until 4am++ than slep.. its kinda standard. well, im feeling dizzy now.. dunno wat happen.. cos im still ok in e noon time.. haha.. my body gone crazy ~ i guess i going to slep le.. after updating of my mp3 player ba.. hee..


Saturday, October 22, 2005

well, juz kana cheated by a slut. okie pls dun ask mi to explain e reasons.. gib mi a break pls !!

workin at tm isetan is bored. esp workin wit sumone tt wun click, turned out worst.

hmm, went out wit kevin, YDK, way, BG, leng, ah bee for steamboat at MS on wed, turned out not bad. ended up in my hse for soccer, ya i admit tt we did bets but juz plays for fun. anyway we won =). eh my hse becum a gambling den, they play cards at my hse wit COINS. lol. juz imagine tt sum ppl still can lose until $3-5 gone. haha.. interesting.. same grp came my hse again on fri. this time i we drink martell wit green tea. woot ~ cool !! so long nv drink tt liao.. ended up kevin & YDK battle. each drink half of e cup. contained of half is martell + little bit green tea. haha..

i saw another lunnie today !! haha.. dunno i gt see wrong anot.. but i guess correct de ba.. roy told mi tt she work a few time on TM liao, but i dun seem like notice her in e past few days in TM. hurhur. pa jiao? perhaps.

anyway i most probably going KL on opening of nov. wish mi have fun? =P


Sunday, October 16, 2005

i hate being alone.
i hate being broke.
i hate being treated unfair.
i hate being timid.
i hate being gutless.
i hate being useless.
i hate being helpless.
i hate being indecsive.
i hate being ordered.
i hate being sarcastic.
i hate being in uniform.
i hate being follow blindly.
i hate being ask stupid question.
i hate being do double job.
i hate being human.
i hate being no choice.
i hate being nagged.
i hate being compare.
i hate being quiet.
i hate being independent.
i hate being fake.

HAHA. in this world, to be survives onli need to do one thing.. being FAKE.
e.g i seen a frenz while going home, he saw mi. so he approached mi chit chat on d way. until he suddenly pop out "wah so suay saw u. i actually intends to walk away lo" ard like tt la e meaning.. i was thinking.. i aint feelin better either.. faking act like we ver gum. haha. im tired la pls. but still i gib him a smile. juz to stop e topic & skip to other. than he suddenly mentioned i wearing weird or mayb over to him. he say " why u wearing like tt? not hot meh " im wearing a tee + a jeans like jacket + jean. too over? pls lo, is my fault or urs? i remain quiet than. anyway tt day is a cloudy day + abit of raining. ya almost whole day. so i dunwan mention whu wrong or rite la.. different ppl have different thinking, i have no rights to stop or demands for more.

nite !!


Saturday, October 15, 2005

watching kang xi now.. haha.. finally holidays le.. but sum of my sch mates r stil struggling in their exam. Im lucky tt my this sem no exam require, but next sem die liao.. haiz.. btw i will be busy nowadays.. so wun be updating so often.. bear wit it OKIE!? haha.. althought i duno whu visited my blog, but really appreaciate u guys support or watever.. =) *flying kisses*


hmm mayb no one read my blog oso. HAHA!! but whu cares? i dun gib a damn. =)

eh, ALL E BEST TO MY EX-ECE1H peeps, jia you for e exam okie !! dun fail hor.. grad tgt !! =D~

oh ya, i installed back WC3 again.. dota again.. haha.. now im like newbie. die dunno how mani times in a match. damn!! K NITE !!


Monday, October 10, 2005

i wrote this post partly bcos sum words from my friend, which "motivated" mi to write it.. hmm.. i shall state tt person as X(dunwan any other stupid trouble.)

well, X told mi tt im a different person in net & reality. i wana say is.. in sch mostly of e time is not mi. haha.. than is whu? LOL~ actually after workin for quite a period in e social, i have see thru quite a few things and still learning. to be frank i dun like tok so much in reality, i tok for e sake of tok u noe? cos i dunwan ppl say tt im anti social, dao, unfriendly, attitude in blar blar way, this case apply on workin oso. And during workin i have to tok so much, so mostly after work or wit frenz i will stay silent. lol. but ifcos i will still tok in e convasation tt im interests oso. HEE. if really wana say my charater, i guess online will be my real charater ba.. i dun need tok, but type. =X and in words, sumtime i can more express myself. type things/words tt i wun say/discuss in e reality. X told mi tt sumhow he/she prefer e earlier of mi in sch.. cos tt time we seldom have face to face contact, pure net frenz. which sumhow hurt mi abit ba. LOL~ damn.

But if X really wana judge e way he/she see mi.. than let it be ba.. tt means tt he/she have nt really understand mi in a way. But ofcos, X have stopped to msg mi in msn. mayb.. she/he thinks tt im not matured enough to chat on e convasation ba. but whu cares. =)

Well, haha.. im kinda bo liao oso.. juz dunwan explain much wit X today. cos no pt. so in d end, using my blog to say wat i trying to say. thanks bloggy~

and mins ago happened a incident which turn down my mood. haha. money issue.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

hoho, im updating again. seldom update so fast. heee.. but whu cares. anyway my working place was damn cool ! =x saw alot of babe, ate sum cool foods, last but not least wonderful SALES~ hee.

tt place was damn cool except of e shops ppl. sum was totally giving a face, in short "unfriendly" LOL~ but sum r cute. hee.. will tok to be when they r free.. which sum how i passes my time kinda fast. ohya i went book shop oso. read 2 books.. actually not FINISHED e book la. but read a few pages of it.. hmm kinda like e story.. haha~ still thinking whether wana buy e 2 books anot.. well.. 1 books is abt a kid whu was born in this world becos of her sister whu suffered "xue ai", and this kid was meant to save her sister.. cos e doc say sibling donor will be better & faster. and e story all abt e kid, e mum.. whether e mum have did e right way or not? cos e kid have started doubt her pressense in this world, issit bcos of her sister than she will be born? if her sister nv kana e illness, will e kid able to see e world? hmm nice story rite..

another book abt r/s.. toking abt a thirty-over guy & a ger whu need a book to carrying on their life. e book so call abt guide? guide e guy & ger to led to their life or r/s. haha.. this book i read abit onli.. cos my breaktime is limited. but e story kinda interesting. heee.. hmmm dunno wana buy e book anot.. cos i dun have reading habits except comics or magazine. and my english status.. hmm JAM in O level i tink. =X

hmm.. while im eating today in e food court.. a family was eating rite beside of mi.. and e little boy was so xin fu, his dad que damn long so his noodle and in d end, e convasation goes:
boy: i dunwan mushroom !
dad: okie, still gt wat dunwan?
boy: i dunwan vegi !!
dad: huh, dunwan tt oso ar.. still gt wat?
boy: i dunwan e soup oso.
dad: k, i drink than.
boy: daddy, help mi mix e mee.
dad: k
mum: dun do everything for him, let him do himself.
dad: nvm la.

wah~ e boy is damn pamper lo.. now than i realised how e kids survive now.. kns.. there is no way to compare from my times. LOL~ its phrase may sound "retro", esp from e elder rite? =X Anyway if tt little boy is my sister, i oso will do e same thing, mayb.

well.. my holidays coming. 3 more days.. hmmm.. but my pay still not yet reached !! argh.. EAT GRASS~~

anyway its my first time updating my blog so early. HAHA~ gd habits?


Friday, October 07, 2005

bascially im juz back home not more than 30mins. after im done my bathing so here goes my updates of ME.

hee, yah gd news !! i recovered my illness after sooooo many weeks of suffering. WOOT. FINALLY. HAHA. pls, dun ask mi y im so happy. cos obvious tt im juz happy. k, craps.

now turns for bad news.. THERE IS NONE. LOL!! okok la, let mi recall wat bad news i had this few days.. hmm.. franky speaking.. there is none lo.. so.. its gd news ba. HEE!!

well, im juz back from outside wit roy. went makan at axis de coffeeshop, eat tt ma you ji. WOOT~ make mi recall back of alot things.. ART, ASR, SMALL, VYRUS, H20, RX, TZM, TZR etc.. haha.. its juz those cs team tt i get involved/know at tt time.. its ok if u dunno anyone of it, cos i dun gib a damn.. anyway back to e topic. was actually wana have a small gathering of ASR, but in d end onli mi and roy turned up.. haha.. nvm la.. xi guan liao.. hmm.. so we went ard for lan shop but couldnt find a gd one.. cos.. almost everyone playing dota, wait wait i rephrase.. is ALL PLAYING DOTA. INSANE. LOL!! anyway we finally found a place can play cs liao.. but cannot play online. damn sucks. so in d end, 1 on 1. haha.. was kinda fun after game.. ver long nv like tt play liao.. hmm.. tml going to work again.. sianz.. bo bian ar !! haiz!!

k ba, im done.. its time for mi to watch e korean show.. haha.. damn funny de =X


Sunday, October 02, 2005

i break a record of MINE, shortest chalet i ever went. haha.. juz back from kevin chalet, e crowrds were like.. in class? cos almost of mine classmate are all there.. keke, damn keyan & they decided to skip tml lesson, stay on e chalet until tml. they was damm funny lo.. uncle frankw as e BBQ man, but afterward i taking over. Kevin's & co. keep drinking e alochol by MR. ah bee. whu is currently a bartender from ZOUK under wine section of wat. LOL~ cant rem. but i noe he make nice thing. =X too bad i cant try. ARGH! anyway.. sum cant holde alochol ended up "mess" haha.. kevin was one of it. i tink he having his time rite now at there. AND I NOE HE BATHING WIT WAY JUZ NOW. (kevin u reading?) haha..but i din stay la,mostly bcos of..

1) damn sick, eye fuckin pain & itch. & throat was worst.

2) cant DRINK !! argh.. cos i ate my medicine. & my throat cant stand alochol.

3) im damn tired.

haiz, im down wit illness!! so sianz.. cant do that, cant do this, feel tired easily, even makan oso must think twice before eat. damn. LUCKILY tat my workin for this week have ENDED!! woo. mayb i rest a week than start my fair at TM isetan le. really going have a good rest..

ended my job early today to meet up wit meishan for helping her wit e carrying of stuff, another words , free labour. HAHA~ took cab to ECP, its kinda near. OMG!! i still owned her taxi fare. gona pay her on tuesday ( cos tml she pon ). DAMN!! =(
