Sunday, September 27, 2009

i will be closing this blog.

too much memories.. esp what happened last few months.. i feel that i can no more hold this blog, to the extend of i cant express truthfully what i wana say/feel at that exact moments.. i feel that the blog have tied me up. i really hate to have this decision but it is diffinitely not a harsh decision.. looking at all my entries.. looking back... i feel that i cant get out.. i still looking back.. yes i still read abt wat happen in the past.. everythings that have happened.. laughter, cried, emo, celebration, my working, my ns period.. and the lost of the one, that i loved most, i was quite sure of tt..


Monday, September 21, 2009

this long weekend.. is really a supber long weekend for me.. time seems to be flying soo slow.. when im @ home.. online.. too stressed up.. really.. 好辛苦.. i din expect im such a cowards.. i used to always say, do first and think next.. now.. i cant do that at all.. i fear of everything.. i fear of e results.. i fear of e outcome.. why..?

i really disappointed in myself.. very..
hid away.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

at thurday, while watching fann wong and chris channel 8 show of their preparation.. my mum was in my room watching, suddenly she pop out,

mum: b, u and ah ger no more le ah ? cannot xian her back meh ?
me: ...
me: kpo la.. watch tv can anot.
mum: see u and her quite suit ma.. u nv try ah to xian her back meh ?
me: ...

不是不想, 是不敢..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

firstly, bon voyage to my dad. He flew off this morning.. hope he will enjoy his overseas trip to china, to visit our family old town. old ppl always say they must travel there at least once back to "home", and this time rd, he would be travelling wit my uncles and gugu they all.. haha, can oso bonding together after so long when each of everyone are tied up by their whole family most of e time. :) treasure e time with you loves one, never regret and take for granted.

well, work are still busy as usual, i have been latetly commited to a project and i have to reach office everyday to do calling, and i have to thanks CT for training me in e past, when im doing my calls, some of my colleague are pretty impressed in my scripts and asked me for some points to take note, and another manager patted on my shoulder said," you can go do ur own thing already, dun need do calling le" haha, but i still will do calling la.. and when u do calling, more appt will be booked. therefore will be moer busier, sometime im back home @ 1am. and very next day 530am have to wake up for morning jogging. gosh,

been pretty packed with frenz despite my heavy schedule, meeting them for movie, dinner, even playing lan game L4D !! haha.. i started playing this game, "influenced" by melvin they all. LOL~ okie la, the game was really quite fun. haha!!

so far i have met all my different grp of frenz every week, for mj session, movie, dinner, shopping (i din shop la, i acc them), playing lan game, billard, supper despite my working schedule, =p pretty good huh ?

after all, and all, and all..

i hope everything are still fine are your side.

Monday, September 14, 2009

im hungry now, at this hr !!


Thursday, September 03, 2009

if i say i dun mind, i will be lying to myself..

before u say "seem like u mind alot", maybe you shld ask urself what is the reason ?

but nevertheness, pursuit your own happiness there is nothing wrong.
finally early home, just some updates of my recents activities..

since dunno when starts, i have e habit to go for morning run, at first is juz me alone jogging ard my area, and soon it spread to some of my colleague as well, and initial my jogging time was in e nite time.. but becos of them i have to change it to early morning ard 530am. some days i do wake up myself, some was given morning call by colleague, some days was totally unable to slep.. i think i will continue unless becos of weather ba. :)

on some day,i think fri, my frezn all gt plans except of me. luckily e mightly ah song is damn on and we went for billard session @ plaza, results is 3-0. =X okie be humble. we went down for drinking and ended up.. we left at 4am!! -.-" we chatted for abt 4hrs ++.. haha. crazy indeed, next day i rem i still gt appt.

on another day weekend i suppose, meet up wit roy & co. with a special guest, jl's wife. que for timbre for an hours & 30mins, finally we able to sat down and jj finally reach. juz imagine how late he is. HA. after further discussion, we went to timbre which it been ages since we last went. roughly abt a yr ? nth much changes, e band still gd, pizza still thin and delicious. roy's dental nurse assistant joined us inbetween. did i state clearly how they knew each other? haha, and it was SHE who asked for his number. hmmm... walk to drink soya bean and beancurd. but closing soon. cabbed home wit 3 cabs, each couple one cab.. me and jj share. nb~ haha.

on another day, sunday i suppose. meet up wit a frenz. for movie "proposal", appointment was delayed and have to wear formal wear to meet her. yuki are still so cute, i miss her. went to ps for her appetetizer, and settle dinner at ajisan. tok tok tok all e way to 945 and off we went to up and watch e movie. e movie is really a must watch.. i teared inbetween.. realy shocked me.. but i think is becos e scenes are so similar in some way.. so.. sent frenz home and i walked home.. ya walk using my leg, do u need wiki to find e meaning of walk ? haha.

other than on top the rest are all my time for my working time..


franky speaking.. yes or no that u will accept that old man in the future or now.. is really not soemthing i could control. it might be just a natural viewing session.. but for me i noe u dun anyhow accept date, somehow.. but time have changes, u are no more tied, u have more freedom, go do wat you think u will gain happiness.. yes, maybe not now.. too fast.. later same result as me.. haha.. im just suay la. LOL.. but it took me alot of courage to write this..

because, even anyone have leave u, hurt u, disappoint u, i will be alway be the last one there for you, lending u my shoulder..

my bless.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

痛.. 好痛阿.. 又无奈..

.. afterall you still thinking of that..

10mth vs 5yrs, stupid hor ? haha..

觉得.. 我好没用啊..

