Monday, April 21, 2008


i had a high fever in the past 48hrs. as high to 39.3 degree. woo, broke my records holdings HA! SHEN JIN !

hmm.. that how the whole things go,

morning sunday, whole body aches. i recalled back, i nv did any physical ex wat. how come so pain, forehead is the next step to check. WOO~ so HOT ! haa. thats it. self-conclusion from Dr Teo, FEVER !

i think i damn man. i seceretly took my sis "thermometer" (issit like tt spell?) ha~ 38.1 degree, i faster go change into presentable clothes. kao, that time i still thinking of wear nice nice to see the doc. DAMN VAIN. okie, i went down w/o my always wear items. the ring, my watch and my cap ! lol. damn lazy liao. finally seen the doc. he gib me a stun.

"sorry ah, seems like u allergy with most of my medicine. so i wun be giving u any med. "

i was like " HUH !! i damn pain leh. my bone aches !! "

luckily he added one phrase quickly..

"but i will gib u 2 days of mc to let u rest. if the fever dun drop. than come find me again for blood test,"



once i reach home, my xiao mei still ask me, "kor u sick ah? fever ?"

my mum add on " oei dun keep saying ur kor fever"

i add on immed, " ya im sick. fever" LOL !!

she stunned, i think im a gd actor, everyone tot i went out for work. ended up i went to see doc. HAHAAH!! sooo, slep all the way.. than ard 4pm wake up. omg, fever increment !, shit, y is not pay ! all the way up to 38.8degree. than my mum will try all sort of ways to "cool" me down, but instead, i more tulan. cant get a better slep. -.-" fall slep again till 9pm. woke up, and check temperature.


LOL~ hit my highest record !

well. i admit i damn humji, faster rang my dad to fetch me to hosp. cos i NS man, FREE !

but poor dad, he acc me all the way from 9pm to almost 12mid night. i can see he is damn tired. that y the doc recommand me to take a drip which take abt 1hr++, i rejected. omg, by tt time, my dad go home damn late ?

so i took the medicine, and off i leave the place. they awarded me 3 days MC, but the same la as i took perviously.

luckily, monday morning, i feel better ! my temperature drop to 36.6degree. WOO! than online msn awhile. ended up chat wit MISS NINA HONG and her clinque till 2pm++.. ha, we almost quarrel. luckily her charater is those sensible type one, and im those humour type de, able to hop on to another topic. LOL~

than slep again till lat evening. HAHAHAHHA, i think im damn tired. keep sleping. HEE ! im almost recover, but still gt flu and cough ba.. duh.. Nina hong say she curse miss me, that y i keep sneezing. HAHA !! than i rather she dun "miss" me too often =)

well, back to work.
i been roughly promoted ba, how my job scope for weekend is juz go ard and check promoter, and teach them how to do the stuff, there and fore. bascially i travelling everywhere ard spore. now i realise tt car is a needs for me now. LOL! still havent really get used to it, but well, i think i have to. i always think tt like tt is more slack lo.. -.-" which i dun really wan ! haha.. mayb i missed out alot loops to take note ba.. haiz.