Saturday, January 27, 2007

hiya ! weeks had gone and here im, still stay straight and "firm" HA ! BULLSHIT THATS IS =) oh well, i passed my theory test with dunno how mani mistake or mayb not mistake at all. HEHE!! now i waiting for my march adv theory. WISH ME GD LUCK DUDE.

This week was totally sucks and screwed up. first it was "E" another clerk taking off on mon, thur and fri and left me alone doing the shit. secondly screwed up by DYFM on thur in his office for abt 30mins. third was given extra duty by FM for that toopid projector which was not keen by E after use. fourth "A" push all the blame to me when i DID mentioned to him tt i need his police report for his new 11B. firth i BRUST out all my stress on the roof top/office. sixth was told by the jap resturant tt they going sack me, reason is they alot staffs, but if alot staff y still put on newspaper for recuitment, doesnt make sense. seventh ... cant think of any already, but i guess there are more and im juz "tired" to elborate all out. HA ! LAZY BUM ~

was totally stressed out !! whu say 2007 will be a gd yr for me ? SBT ( SUCK BIG TIME !! ) LOL !!

hmm, went out wit shuli , melvin ( her bf ) for dinner at my workin place. well, that NORIKO, fuging "transexual", "SHE" is a NBCBFUCKER. she screwed up my dinner. maki-san make a free caplis for me when i order, i din expect she gib me free and that noriko keep wana check my orders issit i gt order anything EXTRA tt i nv paid. FUCK UP LA !! i dunwan make pual and maki-san difficult and i told them im fine wit paying tt.. and they keep swearing to noriko, HA ! i wonder how long more she can work there. really damn jialat la "she". she onli noe how to talk cock and do nothing, i oso can be supervisor like tt, talk onli wat. summore she talking COCK/RUBBISH. i feel tt everyone out there is better than her. Only she can make mistake, but we cant. KNN, she work for YRS liao, SHE IS THE ONE SHOULDN'T MAKIN ANY MISTAKE !! nv write down orders oso, still dare remind mi gt write anot. onli noe how to push the blame for others. sorry guys, im not adding in-correct infor abt her, but she really appear in this way. sorri if im too harsh, but this kind of person deserve a KARMA ! =)

oh well, back to the dinner, we went down to new shopping centre at clark quay thou its not fully up, but alot shops already started their bussiness. saw a few nice belts.. mayb going back there to buy. kinda cheap oso , li say ard $12++ ba.. than went to watch movie wit li another frenz, shuhui, watching the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" ver funny and emotional movie.. kinda long oso e movie, ard 2hrs30mins++ ba. after tt shuhui going downt o Double O and we 3 went for supper, and home sweet home. haha.. li's bf was damn funny, e whole jounrney wasnt tt bad as i think =)

supposing next week will be going out wit roy's peeps for NY clothes hunting. i will be hunting for b/m thing.
- a belt ( but mostly will be buying the one tt i mentioned above )
- a jeans ( dunno wat brand leh.. but see the levis latest eng jeans like buay pai.. )
- 2 L/R button shirts.
addition items:
- a wallet ( mayb GUCCI ba, my wallet was damn jialat !! haha.. "OPEN MOUTH" LIAO, but no $$ !! BD CUMING !! =X )

hmm.. that all ba.. going slep liao.. damn tired.. =)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Weeks passed. life was busy but feel so "FILL", filled with task of work.. haha.. therefore time passed kinda fast. haha.. my theory test which i mentioned in my previous entry which was 2 months ago ? but u noe wat? TML IS THE ACTUAL DAY. ha !!

anyway i have taken my upper-study tasks.. everyday workin in e office, wasnt feels gd. ha.. i really cant change wat others was thinking.. ppl always think tt clerk is ver relax, not doing much during workin hours, type type things on keyboard onli.. HA ! WRONG !! tt was my mind set b4 i enter as clerk but IT TOTALLY DIFFERENT as wat i think. haa.. i actually have to be multi-tasks and NV ask much question to my SIR, mostly things tasked down, i have to use my own ways to find e solutions. YUCKS~ oh ya, have u been thru when ur boss walk pass ur table and throw watever things tt is "useless"/not supposed to be in e table on e floor ? haha. yes, my SIR does tt. SMILE ? and tt depend on his moods. =D Feel tt i dun have frenz in army, all r bunch of selfish shit. when i helped them, they treat u back like shit. HA! when u use back e same way to them, they say u attitude. WAT THE F ? rumour flies and gossip goes rd and rd. in d end became "enemy of public" MUHAHA ! well, face e fate and do my part, my quotes for myself.

Alrite, workin in a JAP resturant was kinda cool. not bad pays but environment was ard e same as in army. HA.. gossip and backstabber everywhere. alwasy must do thing in high cautions. =D but ofcos if there r bad, there r gd person as well.. nice ppl there whu will helped me when i haven had my dinner. really appreaciate their efforts. hahaha.. its juz tt i have to rush to work place in e evening, kinda tiring.. my parents seem disapproved for my workin.. heck ba, army pay isnt enough for my uses.

still meet up wit my bunch of buddy laterly. quite enjoying wit them.. when is guoliang and nono gona meet up soon!? haha.. really long nv meet them liao.. gl juz called me today and mentioned tt zx cuming out soon.. which is a gd news ! =D hope he will think well after came out.

lastly IM DAMN TIRED !! nite peeps. =)