Saturday, December 09, 2006

PAY DAY. woo. finally tahan until this pay day.. was kinda cool.. panic and worry abt how i going to spend penniless of my money.. gona say thanks for those ppl whu helped my alot after knwing my situation. ha, u noe whu u guys la.. =) millllllllionssssss thankssssssss =D

btw, how i spend my weeks? hmm.. was a ver stress week i had passed. i dunno why, my mood was totally not rights ! haha.. imgine i my mood was damn down/dulan? for 5 days.. finally fri i took a half day leave and gib myself a gd rest !! ha. Fri went to furama hotel located beside "Tian An Men" a place tt is guys "HEAVEN" HAHA !! =X saw alot babes la !! and some guys send them there.. i wonder they are her bf or ...... But the thing is how cum they willing to let their gf work theres !!?? issit really tt poor? Spore ver difficult to die nomatter work on wat fields/jobs ! i juz dun understand wat they thinking.

Anyway the meal was GREAT. really nice.. and NSF need to pay onli $20 while e usual price is $39. cool =D when to bugis there to play pool, lose all e while. HA. and slp till 4pm on sat =D MUHAHAHAH !! than went out juz now wit my da mei to eat supper.. quite long nv bring her go out le.. =)

well, my eyes damn pain. i dunno why.. issit bcos i wear lens yest ? kinda long nv wear tt le.. and to be surprise, my camp mates perfer i wear lens. Duh. HA

Sunday, December 03, 2006

f*cK, i unable to log in blogger juz now. cos i forget i using which account to activate. so is actually my hotmail address. LOL ! dumb fu*k.

this whole week finally ended. was damn busy on mon and tue.. tasks passes down by them, left some incompleted. wasnt really feel gd than. duh. anyway fri took a half day leave and went down to bugis for jobs but no basic, totally commission based, which dun really suit me ba. thou e commission not bad, but difficult to sell. HA ! age level of consumers onli can aim those gt abit age, youngster is out of pt. midnight went for MJ session till next day, lost. Early morning back to camp for OT to finish some unsettled stuffs. slep for 2hrs++, met up roy, jl, jj, slip @ Fish & co. for dinner, share plater with 2 with slip. than went for ktv till 2am. HA. actually suggested for massage, but duno where gt "decent" one. =X so, drop off e idea.

kai called me juz now, jio me go ktv again. gosh, was damn tired la. but still go.. weeks nv see them le.. anyways my basic thoery was damn far away la ! sianz, my licenese for sure will be late of next yr than can achieve.

guess mayb work back in F&B side, more demandin.. pays accepable ba.. no choice. sumtime we cant do thing tt we like, sumhow. =)
