Thursday, June 02, 2005


woot im back !! haha.. after days of MIA in my blogger, im back for updates !! but whu care ? haha.. anyway workin tis few days, nv much really happen.. unless of some of my friends cancelled their blogs which make mi sumhow curious.. haha.. curiousity kill !

hmm been playing my editing skills in e prog.. haha.. could have say learn sumthing by myself.. woot.. e feelings is different !! haha.. cos i learn it by myself, by my exploring !! keke.. Hope my frenz like e pic tt i edit for them.. thought its not tt nice.. but i tried my best le.. hee.. will update sum of my editing when i gt time.. keke..

Oh well , im kinda down.. hahaha.. i dunno y !! tt e main problem !! hmm, perhaps its work tt make mi feel sooooo sianz.. or mayb im really broke.. tt y i bo bian haf to work.. juz imagine last few days im really in dead meat. Damn tired.. i can juz easily fall a slep wit sum cooling air blowing on my face.. yah.. fall a slp in countdown of 3sec. Well, currently im having sum communication break down wit my manager.. juz now she called, & she mistook my meaning, & ofcos i mistook her too.. aiya dunno.. juz SIANZ!! hope i can work H&D.. but she dun have e intention of putting mi under her list. lets see how it go ba.. Im thinking of new jobs. but.. where can i find a job tt suit my time & work weekends.. & ofcos dun mind my complexion.. alot jobs see "LOOKS" and tt my fatal i guess. haiz.

Oh ya, weili lend mi a big bag of comics !! haha.. kill mi time when im at home.. but yesterday i read until 6am.. hurhur.. tt kinda insane.. it did kill mine time fast.. but tooooo fast !! hahaa.. Actually i have so mani thing to share.. but somehow i cant type on.. cos i dunno whether tt person read anot.. or wat-so-ever.. Blog is ver private.. but its also open when ppl browse my url.. hmm.. kinda confused.. its private or not ? no doubt tt e ans r appearing in ur heart now. HAHA~ Im looking forward for my results.. but im afraid to face it too.. cos.. my classmates might go different classes.. & im in a new environment again.. its difficult to built up e bonds between us.. haha !! yah, im emotional ya !! im flesh too !! =p


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