Saturday, June 04, 2005


Woot~ wat a saturday !! Im not workin !! haha.. It might be nth to u all.. But for mi, sat not workin is VER RARE !! haha.. i dunno la.. e manager nv put mi anywhere.. siben sianz !! slack whole day at home.. Juz back from plaza wit zx , gl , tai & shun.. inbetween saw huizhen , weiming & his gf.. haha. quite qiao la.. hmm.. franky speaking.. i din realised tt e another ger is huizhen.. LOL~ until they went up par billard than i noticed is her.. hurhur.. BLUR!!

Than play 3 "legs" billard.. haha.. play damn fast lo.. & i kinda on form oso la.. usual where gt play like tt.. Than play 1 on 1 wit tai but share punch.. haha.. oso buay pai.. ofcos he "eat" alot balls la.. but my performance oso buay pai la.. =X After finished e table.. than go weming there sit sit.. cos gl play 2 vs 2 wit them.. That rd they play damn long lo.. hurhur.. in d end gl lose~ haha.. expected ba i can say.. cos he not performing well oso.. So after tt, weiming they all left.. left mi, shun , tai , gl & zx drinking water chitchat~ until 3am than go home.. Surprised to see my parents still not slping !! haha.. my baby sis la !! dunwan slep.. end up both of them cannot slep.. haha.. spolit wei wei !! wei wei is e name i call her.. =p

And fri im damn tired.. went 2 place working.. than OG albert cockup ~ haiz.. I really wished to work at H&D lo.. haiz.. e anutie there treat mi chicken rice.. & they 2 person share 1 packet.. they say they cant finish it.. i dun believe lo.. i tink they wana treat mi ba.. BUT~ mayb is i BHB oso.. HAHA!! After tt went to OG people park.. chinatown !! hmm SOOO long nv went there le.. so walk ard explores~ heee.. found alot place tt i nv been b4.. haha.. too bad e market down for renovation.. arbo can eat ho liao !! haha!! after tt took 147 home, slept on bus until hougang.. damn SONG!! During nite time, meet asrians.. cos koh last nite liao.. sat 2pm, he gona report to TEKONG~ haha.. ALL e best to him !! hope he can silm down after 3months !! =X haiz.. 1 more weekend to pass.. kan sianz.. I NEED WORK !! I dun like slacking too much.. mayb i used to busy life.. or mayb.. i try to forget of that special one.. nitez!!


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