Thursday, August 13, 2009

im back from my trip from msia. the trip was great. i have learnt alot, and i cried as well during sharing session. hmm, too emotional la me. hahaha ~ but alot ppl cried la, so its kinda common. bascially the whole 4 days is very taxing, interm of sleeping. woke up @ 430am, and went classes @ 5. 6 meals (3 main , 3 teabreak/supper) a day. ha. but the food is fantastic, godly.

"no one can upset you and make you angry until u give yourself permission to be upset and angry. "

"for thing to change, i must change first"

"when there is love, nothing is too much trouble and there is always time to take action."

some quotes that i learn in the lessons, which i find it meaningful.


when im on the bus to msia, im thinking, and eventually i wrote it down on my pad note. i afraid i forget, ha. somehow when i think when we are together, we are so close till become a habit. but when i broke up the sentance, its abt love, care and commitment.

somehow, the couple have been to together for long, and later on they said, he/she is not ready for married and either party wanted to be single. than where is the love that could hold on till than ? and for all the love have expressed, u willing to part so easily ?
it really do confuse me. but the problem are always when we get too close, ppl tend to take for granted, and picking on bad habit. Some ppl do can forgive and forget and see the bad pt of the person as good, but others couldnt accept the fact of it and they derserved to have a better life..

during the courtship, the process is always the sweetest. guy will always try ways to pamper the ger, and treat her as if she is the onli ger in his eyes. ger definitely love the feeling of guy treated them tt way.. but when times go by.. unknowingly the guy will reduce the sweetest process.. ger could feel it, cos they are sensitive in feeling esp. but the reason lies on, the guy have already had you under his arms, so.. the factor of take for granted is there again.

im saying abt long term r/s that is i always longed for one but somehow.. when i see on the street, the old man and a old lady walking down the park. the old man will hold on his partner hand tightly, steps by steps wit her.. how sweet is it ? but than i realised, how many is there old couples out there? i did saw a few, somehow.
im thinking is when we are young, we say we dunwan commitment, but issit fair to another party? than why wan get in r/s in the first place? isnt that because u wan her by your side, share her happiness and down side of her life? and ofcos no one else will wan her, cos she is already yours..
just imagine in a ideal world a guy approach your gf, and she said to the guy, sorry i have bf already, so it might be no nice. and therefore that gf onli "avaible" for her close frenz, family and her bf. but there is guy/ger are selfish enough to occupy another party for years, and say, sorry i think i wana be single. wasted all the youth of both party, worst, you dump him/her.

i believe out there, alot ppl face this 3 factors, its kind of common, well enough said, or i have said too much. ha.



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